Monday, October 20, 2008


The parts of designing a robot: are that you can program the robot as you want for example you can program the robot to follow a white line for an easy example it could be just moving forwards and back wards for the middle of programming a robot it could be moving forwards left right and more steps, the hardest one would be searching a white line then following the white line so if it starts 30cm away and you say go 5 steps and it wont find it, then it goes back then it moves 20 degrees and goes 5 steps if it didn't find it it goes back it does that till it finds it did a full circles it will go 10 steps then if it found it on 7 steps it will stop and see if there is more on the 8th step if not it move's back then goes 20degrees or 40 degrees if it finds the white line it will follow the line till it ends, there is your hardest program.

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