Sunday, March 14, 2010

march 14/3/10

Today i will do my blogger post. Also i will continue my create stage. I think that i will finish my create stage either tomorrow or today. Once i finished my created i will post more blog posts on how i did and what i did.

Monday, March 8, 2010


Today we can hand in our create drafts, i have been doing the create draft a while know and i am nearly done. Today i will finish my draft and hand it in. Today i had a problem because i had a draft that could not be printed, this is because if i printed it it would be too small, if i tried to enlarge it it was going to be to big. To solve this problem there were many solutions, for example double paging the printing. or printing half of the picture and then the other half. I chose another solution, this was posting the draft on a web page. I chose the web page: wiki spaces.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Today i was working a little bit on my lesson plan and also i created the first few informative paragraphs also I inserted the first pictures. I have achieve a good result for my first few steps.
Also today i helped Rami to set up hes green screen, also i helped recording his video.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Monday 22/2/10-The Create Stage

Today every-one has handed in their plan and today we are starting the blogger and our create stage. I will be doing the lesson plan and creating a poster. my Create will consist of making the lesson plan and then basing the poster on the lesson plan. I will be creating my poster on 'Windows Publisher'. The lesson plan will be created on word. I will chose my design that has the most information and the most pictures, this is because if i choose this one then everyone will know what the poster is about and the sub headings will make people know where the things they are looking for are.