Saturday, February 28, 2009

blog answers

Our project is about making a anti-bullying poster. It is easier than making a game because you don't have to program it and all we have to do is get some picture about bullying, what types of bullying there are and also some information about bullying.
underneath is out poster and i think it could help many people in what bullying is and how to solve it.


Sunday, February 22, 2009


Bullying is a bad matter to kids that can become dangerous in matter there are different kinds of bullying that are through the internet, with words, or physical bullying some people have trouble throughout their life later on.Kids may get hurt through words only also

there are some sites about bullying and i think that this is the best one:

for games this one is the best

and this site isn't that good for information and pictures:

these are some pictures of the website:

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Bullying is common in different ways :

cyber bullying: in the internet with msn and different messengers

verbal bulling: bullying someone with works making them feel bad

physical bullying: actually offending the target and harming the person  

Bullying happens because people feel powerful when they do it,so they carry on and they feel good when they do it but it harms the people around them.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

final evaluation

Your product is finished, or time has run out.

Now you need to evaluate two things:
A. How well does your product work? Does it do everything that you said it would do and does it do it well?

B. How well did you work at each stage of the design cycle?

It is best to do these in separate paragraphs.

One for your evaluation of your product and a separate paragraph for each stage of the Design Cycle:
  • Investigation
  • Design
  • Plan
  • Create
  • Attitudes in Technology
1. yes my iweb worked well and it has a good cover, information and other things i have included everything eg, videos. My product works very well and i have found out that volcanoes have a lot of different features 
2. My stages were working very well, they had many different things that were interesting, i was inspired y volcanoes and have learnt many things. in my investigation i found many things, design was also good and easy. planning was good because straight away i found something. creating my website was fun and had all 5 pages. Things were not that good because sometimes it wouldn't work. But sometimes it worked and then i could carry on.