Today i will do my blogger post. Also i will continue my create stage. I think that i will finish my create stage either tomorrow or today. Once i finished my created i will post more blog posts on how i did and what i did.
Today we can hand in our create drafts, i have been doing the create draft a while know and i am nearly done. Today i will finish my draft and hand it in. Today i had a problem because i had a draft that could not be printed, this is because if i printed it it would be too small, if i tried to enlarge it it was going to be to big. To solve this problem there were many solutions, for example double paging the printing. or printing half of the picture and then the other half. I chose another solution, this was posting the draft on a web page. I chose the web page: wiki spaces.
Today i was working a little bit on my lesson plan and also i created the first few informative paragraphs also I inserted the first pictures. I have achieve a good result for my first few steps. Also today i helped Rami to set up hes green screen, also i helped recording his video.
Today i had to re-do my lesson plan on the site because it all dissapeared
when i opened it. we also took pictures for the video. We took pictures of
us re...
The process of the green screen
We had a lot of problems setting up the green screen. We couldn't find a
location at the start. Later on after browsing almost the whole school, we
found o...
22 feb
Today i have researched about screen cams and new ways of making different
things, and i thought i could do that instead of starting my video because
my te...
Process Journal
I have spend the whole first week for the plan and investigation and then i
got oon the work of doing the video of my group we WENT OUTSIDE practised
the v...
Journal Day 3
In day 3 before i started to carry on i asked one of the student in
my group to give me an idea on website so that i can carry on to my
create. After he gav...
We will be starting our new unit, and it's the anti bullying campaign; we
will be creating a powerpoint displaying our video on demonstrations and
Investigation- Anti Bullying Campaign
The first website is aimed at children. It has a lot of pictures, graphics
and games. Everything is colorful and seems fun. The second website is
aimed at ...
Process Journal
Week 4:
I have started the keynote again and im gonna make it much better. Just
hope that the accident wont occur again ...
Week 3 :
today something reall...
Client meeting
Here is our project:
We did a poster and a brochure on bullying. In the poster, we wrote a
message to stop bullying and to end it . we then put two pictu...
Client Meeting
We did a comic book about bullying not a story, we wrote some useful
information about bullying. We wrote types of bullying, and we put pictures
on how to ...
Evaluation of Bullying campaign
This project was a project about bullying and how to advertise
anti-bullying. I chose to do anti-bullying games which had to be none
violent with animated ...
Client meeting
We did a comic book about bullying not a story, we wrote some useful
information about bullying. We wrote types of bullying, and we put pictures
on how to ...
Final Evaluation
We have started by choosing to make bullying posters and brochures. So,
for the first week we investigated, for the second week, we made the
posters and b...
Client Meeting
Dear Client,
I am very proud to present to you the final product of this project. We
realize that you asked for an interactive game but we were unable to fi...
Week 1 - Find Websites for bullying,
Week 2 - Make The Games
Week 3 - Continue Making the Games
Week 4 - Add Finishing Touches
Changes in our plan-
Week 1...
week 1: find websites for bullying
week 2: Make the games
week3:continue making the games
week 4:add finishing toches
Changes in our plan
week 1:find webs...